VDT – the German Association for Audio Professionals
The Verband Deutscher Tonmeister*innen (VDT) is a world leading professional association for audio professionals in the fields of art, media, communication and technology.
The Verband Deutscher Tonmeister*innen (VDT) is a world leading professional association for audio professionals in the fields of art, media, communication and technology.
Stefan Weinzierl (TU Berlin) invites us to an afternoon dedicated to the acoustics of musical instruments: We will start with a guided tour of the acoustics test hall, including the anechoic chamber, followed by a lecture on the subject of “Anechoic chamber and acoustic research”.
The Executive Board usually meets online on the first Monday of the month and discusses upcoming issues and ongoing projects. This is a closed meeting to which non-board members are only invited if required and interested.
The VDT is very active, both with meetings of voluntary working groups and with freely accessible events. The range includes regional group and presentation meetings, which are combined with a visit to an interesting location, specialist lectures or workshops, as well as online and hybrid formats. Here is a review of our past events:
Would you like to actively support the board election and become member of the election committee?
The VDT congratulates its member Hans-Martin Buff on winning the GRAMMY Award in the category "Best Immersive Audio Album" for the In-Side Mix of Peter Gabriel's album i/o!
There are many career opportunities for people interested in sound. Our speakers have compiled a list of the different areas in which we sound professionals work. Are you looking for a career change or the right way to enter the industry? Here you will find suggestions on where your professional journey can take you. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant department. We will be happy to help and advise you!
Counting over 2000 members, the VDT ranks among the heavyweights of the industry. If you too would like to become a part of our community, you'll find all the necessary informations here:
The VDT community is not only open to individuals, but also to all relevant companies of the audio industry. Join now and benefit from a vast number of advantages:
Der VDT ist Mitglied der Interessengemeinschaft Veranstaltungswirtschaft IGVW. Die IGVW wird von den wichtigsten Verbänden der Veranstaltungsbranche getragen. Ihre Zielsetzung ist es, gemeinsam bei für die Veranstaltungswirtschaft bedeutsamen Themen Position zu beziehen sowie diese öffentlich zu vertreten und Branchenstandards zu entwickeln. Gerade in Krisenzeiten bewährt sich die enge Zusammenarbeit der Verbände, die unter anderem zum Beispiel in der Politk für eine bessere Sichtbarkeit der Veranstaltungsbranche im weitesten Sinne sorgen können.