The VDT Young Talent Department introduces itself

The Young Talent Department offers new members of Verband Deutscher Tonmeister a platform to help them with their onboarding and to exchange ideas with other members.

We would like to act on your ideas: Do you have suggestions, ideas or concerns that matter for you? We can help you find like-minded colleagues and help your ideas become true.

Our latest Activities

Das Referat Film und Fernsehen dient einerseits der Vernetzung mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus der Branche, durch regelmäßige Stammtische. Zudem wird das Referat zur Wissensbündelung und zum Wissensaustausch genutzt. Dies geschieht durch diverse Vorträge und Workshops, die durch unsere Mitglieder mitgestaltet werden können. Schaut euch gern dazu unsere vergangenen Veranstaltungen an:


  • SALS: Ambisonics

    On January 10, starting at 4 pm, we invite you to the Spatial Audio Listening Session (SALS). On this date, we will delve deeper into the topic of Ambisonics. The immersive sound format, which has existed since the 1970s, has been enjoying steadily growing interest ever since.

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Feel free to get in touch with us or drop by our semi-annual get-together for young professionals!

Die Referatsleitung

Jan Lukas Feldmann

Gabriel Arlauskas

Lucca Riitano