23rd November 2022
14:15 – 15:00
Wien MEET Vortragssaal Stolz 2

Multiplier Event 1 about the qualifikation as European Sound Specialist

Against the skills shortage of tomorrow: Help us developing the European Sound Specialist qualification. We need you – as a participant in our info event, as a multiplier of our idea and as a discussion partner while establishing the standard. We happily invite you to the presentation of our project for developing such a European standard. As a participant of this event, you will have the opportunity to add your experiences, wishes and demands to the vocational training program.

The ESSENCE ERASMUS project, funded by the European Union and led by the VDT, is working on a common European live sound qualification at EQF Level 5. The challenge is to adapt this new curriculum across Europe for all European vocational training systems to such an extent that the qualification works well and is accepted in the European Union in near future.

Look forward to a panel of the ESSENCE Group, a European strategic partnership of associations and education providers. We look forward to , participation is free of charge.

Event partly in English.
The ESSENCE member organizations:

  • VDT, Germany
  • OSAT, The Netherlands
  • EURAKA Baden-Baden, Germany
  • OETHG, Austria
  • Akademie der OETHG, Austria
  • IGVW, Germany
  • ERASMUS Hogeschool Brussels, Belgium
  • VPT, The Netherlands
  • STEPP, Belgium


ESSENCE: Project name of our Erasmus+ project. ESSENCE stands for European Sound Specialist Education and Curriculum Exchange.

ERASMUS+: European Union funding program for education and training.

EQR 5 / EQF 5: The European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) is an initiative of the European Union to make vocational qualifications and competencies more comparable across Europe. Level 5 refers to an initial professional development qualification and includes a "Comprehensive, specialized theoretical and factual knowledge in a field of work or learning, and awareness of the limitations of that knowledge." From: Wikipedia

You find further information about ESSENCE on the ESSENCE homepage and in our news on the interim report.