Final Steering Group Meeting
An intense final sprint is coming to an end, and we will need one final steering group meeting before the project report can be compiled. This is the final steering meeting of the ESSENCE project.
An intense final sprint is coming to an end, and we will need one final steering group meeting before the project report can be compiled. This is the final steering meeting of the ESSENCE project.
On July 18 and 19, the final meeting of the ESSENCE team took place in the form of a Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Cologne at the SAE. At this meeting, the project partners summarized and evaluated the results of the EU-funded project, which has been running since November 2021.
The ESSENCE group meets for a wrap-up meeting in Antwerp, organized by our project partner STEPP. This is our tenth TPM.
Multiplier-Event ESSENCE - Life-long Learning in the EU: We will be presenting the status of the project, which aims to create a transnationally recognized professional qualification and certification for live sound specialists similar to the SQQ7 in Germany.
The ESSENCE group is meeting in Frankfurt as part of Prolight+Sound, organized by our project partner EurAka. This is our ninth TPM.
Multiplier-Event ESSENCE - Life-long Learning in the EU: Come and listen to the first results and the cooperations with other educational projects
The ESSENCE group is meeting in Rotterdam as part of the CUE at our project partner EHB. This is our eighth TPM.
Internal: The ESSENCE Group needs our Zoom room for a working meeting. Only for invited members of the ESSENCE group.
The ESSENCE group will meet in Düsseldorf as part of the 32nd Tonmeistertagung. The VDT as the project leading institution invites you. This is our seventh TPM.
The ESSENCE project group presents the current state of our project, which will wrap in early 2024, and look forward to your comments and opinions. We are looking forward seeing many of you!
The ESSENCE group is meeting for a TPM in Baden-Baden. This is our sixth TPM.
The ESSENCE work group is meeting in Den Bosch. This was planned to be our fifth TPM but we changed it to a normal workgroup meeting.
Das ESSENCE-Team lädt zu einer Informationsveranstaltung auf der Prolight+Sound ein
The ESSENCE group is meeting for a TPM in Frankfurt as part of Prolight+Sound, organized by our project partner IGVW. This is our fourth TPM.
The ESSENCE Steering Group meets for a working meeting in Vienna at the project partner OETHG. This is our third TPM.
Our ESSENCE interim report at MEET in Vienna: Help us developing a qualification for the European Sound Specialist! We happily invite you to the presentation our project. Please register (free of charge).
The ESSENCE Steering Group meets for a working meeting in Brussels at the project partner Erasmushogeschool Brussel. This is our second TPM.
This is the initial meeting of the project steering group of our ESSENCE project.