Remaining specialist books on sale

The publishing house Schiele & Schön has been insolvent since December 2023. This also has an impact on some specialist books in our industry. Despite immense efforts, no publisher could be found to take over the insolvent company's specialist books. The copies that have already been printed are therefore in danger of being disposed of. The remaining stocks of one or the other publications have now been bought up by the authors themselves, but two works by VDT authors in particular are still in stock.

In agreement with the insolvency administrator, these two titles may now be sold at a discount; the fixed book price has thus been partially lifted. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer our members the two standard works “Der Tonmeister” by Carlos Albrecht and “Sound-Design, Sound-Montage, Soundtrack-Komposition” by Jörg Lensing at a 30% discount, as long as stocks last:

Sound design, sound montage, soundtrack composition

In German language
ISBN: 978-3-7949-0935-3
Author: Jörg Udo Lensing
retail price: 39,90, discount price: 27,93 EUR
Please quote the ISBN and the title when .

Sold out! Der Tonmeister

In German language
ISBN: 978-3-7949-0933-9
Author: Carlos Albrecht
Sold out! Retail price: 49,90, discount price: 34,93 EUR

The VDT itself only acts as a neutral intermediary. We would be delighted if we could help to save the works from the shredder and return them to their true purpose as reference books for the next generation and as reference works for professionals.