KV2 Audio is new supporting member

We are very pleased to welcome KV2 Audio as a new member of the VDT family of supporters and extend a warm welcome to them!

Today we live in a world that has compromised audio quality. Technological advancements now try to bend the rules of physics, focus on slick user interfaces and create virtual equipment in an effort to save space and money. Digital Sound Processing is everywhere, manufacturers strive to control every aspect of sound reproduction but all the while it moves us further and further from the original source, its timbre and dynamics. Capturing the emotion and ambience of a performance has become secondary.
At KV2 the true reproduction of the original sound and its dynamics are the key elements in the development of our products. We have bucked industry trends and broken industry standards to find the best possible audio solutions both analog and digital. KV2 builds plug and play systems that save you money, are fast and easy to set up, suitable for venues of all sizes and simply provide superior sound quality to any competing product. The Tonmeistertagung 2023 is an opportunity for us to introduce the KV2 philosophy to a professional audience, people who care about the very essence of their work. We believe that this is the pursuit of the best sound.

Czech Philharmonic Open Air Concert with KV2 VHD5 Constant Point Source Array