Europe's Sixth
Student 3D Audio
Production Competition

Europe's Sixth Student 3D Audio Production Competition in Ambisonics 2022

In 2022, the Student 3D Audio Competition was announced for the sixth year in a row. The submissions were again high quality and elaborate, peppered with trend-setting ideas. The award ceremony took place on Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 7 pm in Graz, online and with public viewing events each with binaural sound. On October 7, the nominated pieces were already presented as part of the ORF musikprotokoll.
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The 3D categories:

  • Contemporary / Computer music
  • Audio drama / Documentary / Soundscapes
  • Music recording / Studio production

The winner productions

Otto Iivari

Gold Winner in Category 1: Contemporary Music, Computer Music. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, with „Thở“

Johanna Sulalampi

Entities of freedom

Silver Winner in Category 1: Contemporary Music, Computer Music. University of the arts Helsinki, with „Entities of freedom“

Anna Maly

Bronze Winner in Category 1: Contemporary Music, Computer Music. University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria, Österreich, with "Dies Irae"

Pietari Nurmi, Kamila Kondraciuk, Mia Savo, Teodors Kerimovs

Gold Winner in Category 2: Audio Drama / Documentary / Soundscapes. Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, with "Hansel and Gretel"

Tim Philipp, Roland Ernst, Jens Kothe, Andreas Kraft, Arne Morgner, Lukas Münter, Christian Tobias

Silver Winner in Category 2: Audio Drama / Documentary / Soundscapes. Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Germany, with “Linie U54”

Philipp Gierlinger

Bronze Winner in Category 2: Audio Drama / Documentary / Soundscapes. FH St. Pölten, Austria, with “3Düsterwald”

Benedikt Ernst, Walter Schimon

Gold Winner in Category 3: Music Recording / Studio Production. Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Germany, with "Just a Feeling"

Rohith Sakthy

Gold Winner in Category 3: Music Recording / Studio Production. University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, with "Zoella - to love"

Christoph Bus

Bronze Winner in Category 3: Music Recording / Studio Production. University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria, mit "Three Agents"

The Jury

Jury Members Category I: Contemporary Music / Computer Music

  • Joseph Anderson, U.S.A
  • Michael Iber. AT
  • Mads Kjeldgaard, DK
  • Matthias Kronlachner, LT
  • Mantautas Krukauskas. LT
  • Daniel Mayer, AT
  • Robert Mores, DE
  • Marlon Schumacher, DE
  • Geriet Krishna Sharma, DE
  • Adi Snir, ISR
  • Martin Supper, DE
  • Fränk Zimmer, AT
  • Ernst van der Loo, NOR

Jury Members Category Il: Audio Drama / Documentary/Soundscape

  • Sebastia Vicenc Amengual Gari, USA
  • Daniel Arteaga, ES
  • Michael Iber, AT
  • Nils Meyer-Kahlen, FI
  • Robert Mores, DE
  • Annika Neidhardt, DE
  • Ernst van der Loo. NOR
  • Christian Vaida, DE
  • Matthias Kronlachner, LT

Jury Members Category Ill: Music Recording / Studio Production

  • Daniel Arteaga, ES
  • Matthias Kronlachner, LT
  • Pawel Malecki, PL
  • Frank Melchior, DE
  • Nils Meyer-Kahlen, Fl
  • Filip Pantelic, RS
  • Tom Parnell, UK
  • Marcel Remy, DE
  • Christian Vaida, DE

Sponsors of the Competition

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IEM Graz together with the ORF musikprotokoll, FH St. Pölten and the VDT

The Competition is a cooperation of the Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik der Kunstuniversität Graz (IEM) and Verband Deutscher Tonmeister (VDT), and this year for the first time also with the ORF musikprotokoll. ORF musikprotokoll will provide the framework for the finals and the award ceremony. The fourth partner is the FH St. Pölten, on whose Audio Mostly the semi-finals took place.
The contribution format is 5th order Ambisonics as there are many free production tools available and no licence fees have to be paid. Contributing to the Competition is an important step for the students into the professional world of pro audio. At the same time there are attractive prizes for the winners waiting.

Headtracking with Camera-Tracked 3D Audio Player (Cat3DA)

It is best to use circumaural headphones. To be able to use head tracking, a webcam must be available and enabled on the playback device. The following browsers are suitable for playback: Firefox, Opera or Chrome on a PC (Mac or Windows). Playback via the Safari browser, smartphones or tablets is currently not possible or not recommended.

Test Cat3DA-Player Read more

Productions of other years

Become curious? All award-winning submissions of the 3D-Audio Competitions since 2020 can be heard binaural with headtracking here:

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